Nura Jaafar
—Academy Programme Fellow
Netherlands Institute of International Relations (Netherlands)
研究领域: Humanitarian negotiation; Negotiation & mediation in conflict resolution;

Nura Jaafar joined the Clingendael Institute in December 2019, where she works as an Academy Programme Fellow. In this capacity she coordinates, develops and implements a wide variety of humanitarian negotiation and diplomatic training programs for different audiences, such as foreign diplomats as well as humanitarian workers. 

Prior to joining Clingendael, Nura worked as a project leader at a language school for foreigners in The Netherlands and as project development officer for a humanitarian organisation in Lebanon.

Nura graduated with a Joint Master’s degree in International Humanitarian Action from Uppsala University and Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in 2017, with a specialisation in Conflict, Peacebuilding and Religion. In addition she holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Studies with a specialisation in the Middle East from Leiden University. During her studies she has worked at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, focusing on humanitarian aid and the Mashreq region.
