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德国乌珀塔尔气候、环境与能源研究所 [Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (Germany)]

The Wuppertal Institute sees itself as a leading international think tank for sustainability research focused on impacts and practical application. The organisation's activities are centred on developing transformation processes aimed at shaping a climate-friendly and resource-efficient world.

美国世界观察研究所 [Worldwatch Institute (United States)]

Worldwatch Institute是一个非营利性的研究机构,致力于研究全球环境和发展问题。我们的研究领域包括气候变化、能源、食品、水资源、城市化、环境安全和经济发展等。我们的目标是成为全球领先的环境和发展研究机构,为政策制定者、学者、媒体和公众提供有价值的见解和建议。

美国世界资源研究所 [World Resources Institute (United States)]

世界资源学会(World Resources Institute,简称WRI)成立于1982年,是一个总部位于美国华盛顿特区的非营利环境研究机构。该机构的使命是推动可持续发展,解决环境、社会和经济问题,并提高人类福祉。该机构的研究领域包括气候、水资源、森林、城市、能源、食品和海洋等方面的问题。该机构通过研究、政策倡导、技术创新和合作伙伴关系等方式,为政策制定者、企业和社会提供可行的解决方案,促进全球可持续发展。

联合国世界粮食计划署 [World Food Programme]

The World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian organization saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace, stability and prosperity, for people recovering from conflict, disasters and the impact of climate change

世界经济论坛 [World Economic Forum]


美国伍德罗·威尔逊国际学者中心 [Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (United States)]

伍德罗·威尔逊国际学者中心(Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars)成立于1968年,是美国政府设立的国际学者研究机构,旨在促进全球问题的研究和解决方案的探索。该机构的研究领域包括国际关系、公共政策、环境、科技等多个领域,旨在为政策制定者和公众提供有关全球问题的信息和建议。

英国克兰菲尔德大学水科学研究所 [Water Science Institute, Cranfield University (United Kingdom)]

The Water Science Institute undertakes globally leading research and post graduate teaching in water and wastewater process science, engineering, governance and policy

奥地利维也纳国际经济研究所 [Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (Austria)]

The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies – wiiw – is one of the principal centres for research on Central, East and Southeast Europe with 50 years of experience. Over the years, we have broadened our expertise, increasing our regional coverage – to European integration, the countries of Wider Europe and selected issues of the global economy – and expanding the research areas we work on. At present, our thematic work is focused on macroeconomic developments and structural change, international economics, labour markets and social issues, as well as on selected issues related to sectoral and regional economic developments. wiiw is an independent, non-profit institution. Our staff serves the public and clients alike, delivering economic analyses and research, forecasts, statistical data and policy advice

美国城市研究所 [Urban Institute (United States)]

城市研究所(Urban Institute)成立于1968年,是美国一家非营利性的社会科学研究机构,致力于研究和推广城市发展和社会政策创新。该机构的研究领域包括财政和社会政策、健康、住房、教育、劳动力市场、非营利组织等多个领域,并与政府、学术界和产业界等合作开展研究和对话,为政策制定和实践提供高质量的建议和指导。

联合国环境规划署 [United Nations Environment Programme]


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