Ron Ton
—Director Clingendael Academy
Netherlands Institute of International Relations (Netherlands)
研究领域: Diplomatic practice; Humanitarian negotiation; Negotiation & mediation in conflict resolution;

Ron Ton is Director of Clingendael Academy. At Clingendael Academy he manages all course programmes, consultancy and capacity building projects in international relations, diplomacy,  EU affairs, security and  skills programmes for Dutch civil servants, private groups and foreign diplomats. He has an extensive experience in working with the Netherlands’ government, NGO’s and private sector. He works with partner organizations in Central and Eastern Europe, Northern Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

Ron Ton is a high-level experienced professional in diplomatic training for NL and foreign diplomats and is therefore highly acquainted with the practical aspects of diplomacy. Moreover, Ron Ton is a consultant to a number of diplomatic services and academies abroad, where he advises on international training, institutional development and capacity building. He holds several positions as visiting lecturer at foreign universities and diplomatic academic institutions, mainly on international negotiations.

In 2012 he was awarded with the Golden Laurel Bough, the highest distinction of the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is a member of the International Forum on Diplomatic Training (IFDT). Furthermore, he is a former President of the Board of Terre des Hommes, a NL children’s aid organization, active in 15 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Before joining the Clingendael Institute he was a senior lecturer and manager of international projects at a number of private business schools in The Hague.

He graduated from the University of Utrecht (the Netherlands) with a Master’s in Contemporary History and International Relations.

Learn more about Ron Ton's work below:
