Shannon Ayre
—Academy Project Fellow
Netherlands Institute of International Relations (Netherlands)
研究领域: Cyber Security; Diplomatic practice; International security;

Shannon Ayre joined the Clingendael Institute in February 2020. As an Academy Project Fellow, she develops and coordinates various courses in International Security, Cyber Security, Cyber Diplomacy and general diplomatic training courses for foreign and Dutch Diplomats and other international relations professionals. In her capacity as trainer, she provides training in the field of cyber on the risk landscape, cyber operations, attribution of cyber-attacks and state-level responses to cyber-attacks. Besides, she also gives training on crisis management, crisis communication and communication techniques in general.

Shannon holds a BA in International Relations and International Organisations from the University of Groningen and a MSc in Crisis and Security Management from Leiden University. For her Master's thesis, she conducted research on the complex decision-making process of cyber attribution and states' motivations to publicly and politically attribute cyber-attacks and the various trade-offs in such a process.
