Sarah Lueck
—Vice President for Health Policy
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (United States)
研究领域: Health;

Sarah Lueck is the Vice President for Health Policy. She leads the Center’s work on Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act, and other health care issues, with a focus on advancing policies that make health coverage more accessible and affordable for low-income people and reduce racial and ethnic health disparities.

Lueck joined the Center in November 2008 as a Senior Policy Analyst. She has worked on issues related to health reform implementation, specifically health insurance exchanges and private market reforms included in the ACA. She has also served as a consumer representative to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners.

Before joining the Center, Lueck was a reporter for nine years in the Washington bureau of The Wall Street Journal. For much of that time, she wrote about health policy, including Medicare prescription-drug legislation, state and federal proposals to modify Medicaid, and the efforts of health care companies to influence policy changes.

She later covered Congress, writing about tax policy, immigration, and economic recovery legislation, as well as House and Senate election campaigns.

A native of Des Moines, Iowa, she graduated from the University of Iowa in Iowa City with a B.A. in Spanish.

You can follow Sarah on Twitter @sarahL202.
