Roxy Caines
—EITC Campaign Director
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (United States)
研究领域: Tax Credits for Individuals and Families;

Caines joined the Center’s National Tax Credit Outreach Campaign in 2004. As the Earned Income Credit (EITC) Campaign Director, she provides technical assistance, leads trainings and develops outreach materials to assist organizations nationwide as they conduct local outreach campaigns that promote the EITC, the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and free tax filing assistance programs. Immediately prior to joining the Center, Caines worked as a Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellow as part of the Congressional Hunger Center. Through her work with several non-profit organizations Caines has also developed experience in instruction, curriculum development, workshop facilitation, research and grant writing. She holds a B.A. degree in Speech Communications from Howard University.  
