Bernie Gallagher
—Senior Policy Analyst
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (United States)
研究领域: State Budget and Tax;

Bernie Gallagher is a Senior Policy Analyst with the State Fiscal Policy team, concentrating on state pension issues. Prior to CBPP, Gallagher worked as a Senior Budget & Policy Advisor for the Democratic staff of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives’ Appropriations Committee. In this role, he served as his caucus’s subject matter expert on state and municipal pensions and as duly authorized trustee designee for both state retirement systems, which serve over 750,000 active and retired public-sector employees. He also served as a nonpartisan principal budget analyst for the Colorado General Assembly. While in the private sector, he modeled business and revenue strategies for the corporate travel industry and analyzed price volatility in the energy industry at the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Gallagher earned his undergraduate degree in Industrial & Organizational Psychology from Penn State University and his master’s degree in Management from Regis University. He has received public-sector-specific training on state pensions, institutional investing, and governance at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, Haas School of Business at UC-Berkeley, and the International Centre for Pension Management at the University of Toronto, Rotman School of Business.
