Diana Azevedo-McCaffrey
—Policy Analyst
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (United States)
研究领域: Income Security;

Diana Azevedo-McCaffrey is a Policy Analyst on the Housing and Income Security team. Before joining the Center, ​she worked at the Gender and Public Policy Department at Columbia University, the San Francisco Department on the Status of Women as a Public Policy Fellow, and NARAL Pro-Choice America. Her work primarily focuses on examining Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and the social policy landscape with an equity lens to advance policies that better serve women and their families. Her research areas include child support policy, improving TANF for survivors of domestic violence, TANF spending, and the intersection of cash assistance and reproductive justice.

Diana holds a master’s degree in Social Policy and Gender and Public Policy from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, and a B.A. in Sociology and English Literature from the University of California, Berkeley.
