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    这项研究应Russell Berrie纳米技术研究所(RBNI)的邀请,旨在加强该行业与Technion纳米技术基础设施中心之间的合作 ,该研究包括对使用Technion的纳米技术基础设施中心的工业公司、纳米技术领域的工业公司以及其他可能使用Technion纳米技术基础结构中心的领域的工业企业的全面调查 ,调查目标是根据以下标准分析行业对Technion纳米技术基础设施中心使用的需求:

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    以下是塞缪尔·尼曼研究所继2010年进行的“以色列研究基础设施测绘”研究之后进行的额外研究摘要。后者的目的是编制一个数据库,该数据库将构成以色列国家研究基础设施建设路线图的基础 ;后续研究于2012年5月开始,目的是完成对以色列现有研究基础设施的更全面测绘。该报告包括三章:第一章提供了研究基础设施的最新地图,并描述了所使用的方法。119个研究基础设施出现在报告中,其中87个先前在2010年报告中提到,其余32个新提到 ;地图显示,58%的研究基础设施位于学术机构,30%位于公共和政府机构,12%位于行业内。为了全面了解以色列研究人员可利用的研究基础设施,本章还包括以色列研究人员使用并由政府预算资助的十个国际研究设施的信息。第二章考察了国家一级与三个主要领域相关的研究基础设施:纳米技术和纳米科学、大脑研究、基因组学和蛋白质组学。这允许对这些领域的研究人员目前可获得的研究基础设施进行评估 ;第三章是对四个编制了研究基础设施发展国家路线图的国家的文献综述:;芬兰、澳大利亚、荷兰和欧洲基础设施研究论坛 ;本报告可能有助于研究编制研究基础设施发展路线图的过程,目的是为以色列制定一个合适的路线图 ;这份总结报告的标题是:“从测绘研究基础设施到编制路线图——对具有公认经验的选定国家的审查”。它可以在尼曼研究所的网站上找到一份单独的报告

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    SNI赢得了一项非公开招标,为首席科学家和INNI进行一项研究,旨在研究纳米技术从学院转移到以色列工业实施的困难,并提出克服这些困难的可能方法 ,该研究基于对利益相关者的结构化访谈、纳米中心研究人员和以色列纳米会议参与者的调查分布、纳米技术中心关于纳米技术研究范围及其产出的数据收集 ,这项研究表明,纳米技术有商业化的潜力,从学术界向工业界转移也有“成功案例”该研究还确定了向工业转移技术过程中的四大困难:

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    圆桌会议(RT)中的公分母;讨论是在活动之前准备并传播一份包含关键问题和目标的议程。有些RT非常结构化,有些则更为宽松 最后编写一份报告,总结主要调查结果和建议。本说明介绍了构建此类RT讨论的不同方法论方法,并为各个领域的研究人员提供了方法论背景 ,具体而言,我们提出了四种圆桌研讨会方法:

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    The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, encompasses several significant trends, including the digital revolution or digital transformation. This document explores various aspects of digital transformation with a focus on its components and perspectives for digital engineering. These aspects include strategic considerations and implementation factors. Major organizations and companies, such as the Department of Defense and leading automotive and aerospace firms, have developed strategic programs for advancing and implementing digital engineering. This information identifies the goals, challenges, opportunities, and barriers to effective implementation and highlights the key benefits, including improved product and system quality, cost savings, and reduced development, manufacturing, maintenance, and delivery timeframes. It empowers organizations, managers, and engineers to develop effective strategic plans for implementing digital engineering in their areas of responsibility, which will address marketing, technology, engineering, and process challenges. Effective implementation of these plans is expected to significantly improve the processes in which engineering and its derivatives are utilized in companies and projects.The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, encompasses several significant trends, including the digital revolution or digital transformation. This document explores various aspects of digital transformation with a focus on its components and perspectives for digital engineering. These aspects include strategic considerations and implementation factors. Major organizations and companies, such as the Department of Defense and leading automotive and aerospace firms, have developed strategic programs for advancing and implementing digital engineering. This information identifies the goals, challenges, opportunities, and barriers to effective implementation and highlights the key benefits, including improved product and system quality, cost savings, and reduced development, manufacturing, maintenance, and delivery timeframes. It empowers organizations, managers, and engineers to develop effective strategic plans for implementing digital engineering in their areas of responsibility, which will address marketing, technology, engineering, and process challenges. Effective implementation of these plans is expected to significantly improve the processes in which engineering and its derivatives are utilized in companies and projects. The Samuel Neaman Institute-led Forum for Engineering Education for the 21st Century is promoting digital engineering and digital literacy in academia and industry in Israel. This document serves as a component of the knowledge base for these initiatives.In line with the strategic plans for implementing digital engineering, there is a requirement for education and training of managers, engineers, and professionals involved in the development, engineering, manufacturing, maintenance, and delivery of complex systems.In this report, we present a survey of academic institution programs in Israel and internationally aimed at training the next generation of engineers for the digital engineering era and providing education to acquire digital competencies. Additionally, we describe lifelong learning programs for the current engineering workforce to upgrade their skills for the digital age.In this framework, we conducted a digital literacy survey through questionnaires and interviews to assess the current gaps in digital competencies in academia, industry, and the business sector. The main findings are: Most industry participants expressed a desire for engineers to possess diverse digital competencies to support modern engineering processes in their companies. However, there is a gap between this desired status and reality, and concern that this gap will worsen. Most academic participants highlighted the need for incorporating enhanced digital competencies in engineering education programs to prepare students for the changing digital workplace. Unfortunately, the integration of digital content into the syllabus is slow and does not meet the requirements and expectations. In this report, we summarize various digital engineering methodologies, including: Generative design Design for 3D printing Model-based systems engineering Data-based engineering Digital twin It also includes an overview of the implementation of digital engineering in specific areas, such as: Advanced manufacturing and Industry 4.0 Predictive maintenance and health monitoring Internet of Things (IoT) Quality 4.0 engineering Model-based conceptual design Integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning into digital engineering. 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