本系列简报旨在为 T20 峰会提供信息,就关键的全球问题提供了有见地的研究和可行的政策建议,探讨了可持续钢铁生产、离岸贸易的环境影响以及 G20 国家公平能源转型战略等不同主题。
The planet has already warmed by 1.1 degrees C (2 degrees F) due to human-induced climate change. Millions of people today are facing the real-life consequences of higher temperatures, rising seas, fiercer storms and unpredictable rainfall. Rapidly reducing emissions is essential to limit temperature rise and secure a safer future for us all, as is making major investments to protect communities from severe impacts that will continue to worsen. , Yet collective efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions and adapt are currently not enough to tackle the speed and scale of climate impacts, meaning that some losses and damages from climate change are inevitable. How countries handle these losses and damages has been a key issue at UN climate negotiations and beyond.
气候变化使人们失去家园。PIK未来实验室安全、种族冲突和移民联合负责人Barbora Sedova与联合国首位索马里气候安全和环境顾问Chris Hodder就气候变化及其对移民、流离失所甚至冲突的影响进行了对话。