Technological Forecasting
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论技术预测的未来 [期刊论文]


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几十年的社会科学学术记录和探索了科学、技术和社会的相互联系的本质。多种理论框架表明,通过更广泛地纳入新的声音和愿景,有可能将这种相互塑造的过程引向期望的结果,远离不期望的结果。2010年,一组研究人员、教育工作者和政策从业者建立了科学技术专家和公民评估网络,以实施这些框架。在十年的时间里,ECAST开发了一种创新的、反射性的参与式技术评估(pTA)方法,以支持不同技术、社会和政治背景下的民主科学政策决策。该方法的反射性导致了不断的创新和迭代改进。目前的ECAST pTA方法包括三个参与阶段:1)问题框架;2) ECAST公民审议;以及3)结果与整合。该方法具有适应性和可复制性,为各种科学和技术问题以及从地方到国家和国际的治理规模的决策产生了产出。ECAST的分布式网络模型也通过不断变化的社会政治环境促进了独立性、连续性和可持续性。在本文中,我们详细介绍了ECAST pTA方法的现状;分享小型案例研究,说明促使新方法创新的情况;并为进一步发展pTA并将其纳入民主科学政策决策提供了愿景。

浏览量:33  |  


浏览量:32  |  


浏览量:46  |  

Local electricity exchange is often praised for its ability to empower consumers and benefit communities. In this paper, we investigate and compare the development of local electricity exchange practices in three European countries: France, Switzerland, and Great Britain. We ask: how do local electricity exchange practices and markets vary across national contexts? What are their dynamics of ownership and consolidation, if any? What areas of contestation or disagreement emerge? To answer these questions, we first briefly define and conceptualize local electricity exchange and its categories before explicating our mixed methods research design consisting of document analysis, 40 original expert interviews across the three countries, and observational data derived from seven meetings and events. These comparative cases reveal the complexity and variation of the local electricity exchange phenomenon across our three national contexts, how such acts of decentralization in turn (and perhaps unpredictably) consolidate power among incumbent actors, and how local electricity exchanges are prone to significant contestation and disagreement. Moreover, they reveal competing dynamics of centralization and shifting forms of ownership. We conclude by noting that (i) local electricity exchange has as much potential to cement conventional actors and power relations in the sector as it does to support new actors or transform power relations; (ii) approaches to local electricity exchange vary considerably across national contexts and are strongly linked with institutional frameworks and policy regimes; and (iii) the future merits of local electricity exchange are prone to great uncertainty and contestation.

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