美国陆军已经指定陆军作战能力发展司令部的陆军研究实验室为国防部四个量子研究中心之一。那里的科学家将利用量子物理的力量,“这些特性将带来计时和传感方面的革命性进步,并将为士兵带来颠覆性的计算和通信能力,”陆军高级研究科学家 Fredrik Fatemi 博士解释道。 Fatemi 在陆军新闻稿中表示:“未来的研究将使作战人员能够更好地衡量并更快地做出决定,从而影响 2040 年及以后的陆军。” “这就是为什么 QIS 是陆军的优先研究领域。” 量子信息科学“已经构成了我们认为理所当然的工具的支柱,例如全球定位系统的原子钟。在短期内,我们将看到计时和传感方面的革命性进步;而从长远来看,量子计算和其他纠缠增强量子技术可能会带来颠覆性的技术惊喜。” 到目前为止,陆军研究实验室已经开发出一种用于接收无线电传输的量子传感器和一种低成本原子钟,以帮助士兵及其各种系统以最精确的方式记录时间。
Quantum information science (QIS) applies the best understanding of the sub-atomic world—quantum theory—to generate new knowledge and technologies. Through developments in QIS, the United States can improve its industrial base, create jobs, and provide economic and national security benefits. Prior examples of QIS-related technologies include semiconductor microelectronics, photonics, the global positioning system (GPS), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These underpin significant parts of the national economic and defense infrastructure. Future scientific and technological discoveries from QIS may be even more impactful. Long-running U.S. Government investments in QIS and more recent industry involvement have transformed this scientific field into a nascent pillar of the American research and development enterprise. The Trump administration is committed to maintaining and expanding American leadership in QIS to enable future long-term benefits from, and protection of, the science and technology created through this research. Based on the collective input of all the Government agencies invested or interested in QIS, this document presents a national strategic approach to achieving this goal.