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    欧盟经受住了疫情、战争爆发以及随后对就业、能源价格和利率的冲击。现在,它面临着一项更大的任务:当挑战仍然巨大,但危机的冲击正在消退时,如何保持势头。2024年,政策制定者需要控制预算赤字,投资于绿色转型,并继续追求难以捉摸的“经济软着陆”。随着欧洲央行的存款利率达到创纪录的4%,而根据欧盟的财政规则,超过一半的欧盟将出现过度赤字,过渡将是棘手的。欧洲央行采取行动降低通胀,而欧盟则加班加点,以摆脱对俄罗斯天然气的依赖,并在反击莫斯科入侵的第二年增加对乌克兰的支持。现在价格更加平衡,但经济前景却并非如此。增长疲软和投资不足有可能破坏过去一年来之不易的成功。为了确保其未来,欧盟需要投入资金,在未来几年逐步淘汰化石燃料,以减少碳排放。正如让·皮萨尼·费里在法国政府委托撰写的一份具有里程碑意义的报告中所写,这意味着公共和私人投资加起来占国内生产总值的2%至2.5%。正如Jean、Jeromin Zettelmeyer和Zsolt Darvas所明确表示的那样,欧盟也需要认真对待使其财政规则符合目的。正如Heather Grabbe所指出的,欧盟不仅必须致力于维护和平,还必须致力于与乌克兰和其他未来成员国共同建设未来。此外,社会进化将发挥重要作用——当男性在追求性别公平方面不发挥积极作用时,整个社会都会失败。勃鲁盖尔将继续向政策制定者施压,要求他们在未来一年拿出最好的想法。虽然迫在眉睫的选举和持续的障碍将使欧洲面临考验,但也有机会迎接挑战。收听丽贝卡·克里斯蒂(Rebecca Christie)、希瑟·格拉布(Heather Grabbe)、让·皮萨尼·费里(Jean Pisani-Ferry)、Fiona·斯科特·莫顿(Fiona Scott Morton)和杰罗明·泽特尔梅耶(Jeromin Zettelmeyer)的最新播客,“回顾一年”。

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    人们对环境问题的关注日益高涨。欧盟正面临着长期讨论的最后阶段,即如何解决对公众健康影响最大但可以解决的环境风险:空气污染。空气污染对公众健康的影响依然巨大:欧洲每年有 30 万人因过度暴露于细颗粒物和二氧化氮而死亡,平均损失 10 年时间,还有数百万人患有不同形式的残疾。

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    所有的目光都将聚焦在迪拜举行的 联合国气候变化大会(COP28) 会议上。这是一个主要的石油和天然气出口国首次主办这次会议,引发了全球气候界对 "洗绿 "的担忧。联合国气候变化大会(COP28) 还将在两大冲突(乌克兰战争和以色列-哈马斯战争)中举行,这很可能会对气候谈判产生影响。根据《巴黎协定》对全球气候行动进行的首次全球评估(GST)将在迪拜进行。联合国气候变化大会(COP28) 成功的关键指标是什么?

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    谷歌的移动操作系统谷歌 Android 最近根据 DMA 被“指定”,而且从3月份开始必须遵守法律。大部分的谷歌 Android 是由 Android 开源代码组成的。但是谷歌把它的操作系统的一部分称为“谷歌播放服务”内的谷歌播放商店,然后原始设备制造商必须一起购买。这家商店只是分发应用程序。然而,Google Play Services 控制着手机的功能; 没有这个操作系统,大多数应用程序都无法在手机上正常工作。因此,委员会明智地选择将 Google Play 服务作为 Google Android 操作系统的一部分。

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    The year 2022 exposed both dramatic structural weaknesses and the astonishing adaptability of Europe’s energy sector. With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine it became clear that Europe’s dependency on energy imports from Russia are not a theoretical issue, but a grave strategic liability. Russia tried to exploit this vulnerability by emptying EU storage sites over the summer of 2021, leaving the EU in need of extra 33 bcm to refill its storage facilities. Russia then reduced its gas exports to the EU by 86 bcm (60%) in 2022. The EU coped by reducing the gas demand by more than 10% and almost doubling its liquefied natural gas (LNG) imports.,The Why Axis is a weekly newsletter distributed by Bruegel, bringing you the latest research on European economic policy.

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    从化石燃料驱动的经济转型将主导多年的政策议程,令人惊讶的是,对于这在宏观经济上意味着什么,几乎没有达成共识。基于模型模拟的自上而下的分析认为,潜在的经济后果即使不是积极的,也是良性的。自下而上的评估则不那么乐观。,The Why Axis是Bruegel发行的每周通讯,为您带来欧洲经济政策的最新研究。

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    As a result of high gas storage volumes, achieved through significant demand reduction, the EU is in a comfortable position this winter. However, this should not be taken for granted. Ensuring competitive gas prices continue to be a challenge for Europe and until demand and supply are structurally re-adjusted, international gas market conditions will remain tight.,The Why Axis is a weekly newsletter distributed by Bruegel, bringing you the latest research on European economic policy.

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    The European Commission's reform proposal, published on 14 March, is the fifth major electricity market package. But will the proposed changes to two regulations and one directive substantially change the way in which electricity trading is organised in Europe?,The Why Axis is a weekly newsletter distributed by Bruegel, bringing you the latest research on European economic policy.

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    Europe uses raw materials in many industries from green and digital tech to defence. Some are produced within Europe, like hafnium in France, but the majority are imported. When Europe is dependent on a single supplier, as is the case with manganese, magnesium, strontium, or bismuth from China, or feldspar and boron from Turkey, our industries face risks if that supply runs dry. This can happen because of reasons beyond control, like a global pandemic or economic coercion to obtain political concessions. The Critical Raw Materials Act has interesting proposals on monitoring, stockpiling and demand coordination to anticipate those risks. It places a lot of attention on increasing the extraction and refining of raw materials in Europe. This inward-looking response, however, misses the fact that most of the action will take place outside the EU. Especially for green tech, most raw materials enter the EU already embedded in products such as solar panels, permanent magnets or EV batteries. Europe must pay close attention to the supply of its own suppliers. China’s dominance in refining stands out: it refines 99% of the cobalt extracted in Congo and 94% of the lithium extracted in Australia. By boosting the demand for clean tech goods, the green transition creates a dual challenge. First, much larger amounts of minerals must be brought online, especially lithium, cobalt and manganese. Second, this should be done without reinforcing existing concentration. The EU should support a trade-policy environment and concrete investments abroad that diversify global supply chains by making better use of its foreign investment policy, the Global Gateway.,The Why Axis is a weekly newsletter distributed by Bruegel, bringing you the latest research on European economic policy.

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